
Three years of degree programme will have six semesters. Odd semester (i.e, 1st, 3rd & 5th semester) is from 1st June to 30th November and the examination shall be held normally in the month of November. Even semester (i.e. 2nd, 4th & 6th semester) is from 1st December to 31st May and the examination shall be held normally in the month of April/May. However, the Final semester shall be conducted in April and it is desirable that the result shall be published within 3odays and not beyond 45 days from the date of completion of the examination. A student would be required to complete the course within six academic years from the date of admission.

Compulsory Registration:
  1. Registration for the 1st semester examination is compulsory and will be at the time of admission. All the students admitted in 1st semester of a college will compulsorily be registered by the University. A registration / examination card will be issued to candidates admitted and that will remain valid till completion of the course. There will be no need to issue admit card for every semester. The candidates fulfilling the attendance norms and other eligibility criteria will be allowed to appear the examination. Students will not be required to fill up any form for the University examination for regular papers. Examination fee will be collected at time of admission/readmission and affiliated and affiliated colleges will be required to send the appearing students list among with the requisite fees to the university before the cut off date for each semester. If a student does not appear for all the papers in both first and second semester examinations, his admission for the said course will be cancelled, Concerned universities will notified all fees to be paid before admission process.
  2. For students desiring to appear in any back paper(s), they would be required to fill up the examination forms. Those who fail in any paper in a semester or unable to appear in any semester or unable to submit forms for back papers of 2/3/4/5/6 may appear in any subsequent semester examination within 6 years from the date of admission to that course. A student must clear backlog papers (failed) within 6 academic years starting from the year of admission batch.
  3. Back papers are to be permitted in consecutive semesters for the first attempt back paper. Subsequent attempts will be allowed in alternate semester (eg: A student failing in a paper of semester-1, will be allowed to appear for the paper in Sem. I. If he/she fails to clear this back paper in sem II, he will get the next opportunity in sem IV, sem VI etc.only) This practice is to ensure earliest opportunity to the student as well as timely conduct of regular paper exams.
  1. A candidate shall be required to attend at least 75% of the lectures in theory and practical classes taken separately.
  2. Condonation may be granted by the Principal (in case of affiliated colleges) to the extent of 15% in exceptional cases i.e. serious illness & hospitalization, accident, mishap in the family or deputation by the college for any specific work for which the period of his/her absence shall not be counted towards the calculation of attendance on the condition that students concerned submit a certificate to that effect from the appropriate authority.
  3. Further to the above, the principal may grant further condoning of shortage in attendance to the extent of 10% in respect of candidates who represent the University or state for Inter University or inter-state competitions in games and sports or attending different recognized national level camps.
  4. Under no circumstance, the condoning shall be beyond 25%.
  5. This clause shall not be applicable for distance education.
Duration the examinations-Mid semester & end semester

The choice based credit system (CBCS) examination shall be implemented in semester pattern. Examination time table for the odd semester will be communicated by 20th June and even semester by 7th December. Each semester examination shall consist of a Mid-semester (Internal) examination and end semester examination. Mid-semester examination shall be conducted only for theory papers. End semester examination in theory papers carrying full marks above 50 (e.g. 60,75, 80 etc.) shall be of 3 hours duration and practical shall be of 3 hours (for full marks carrying 25). On the other hand, theory papers carrying 50 marks or below shall be of 2 hours duration.

Mid semester examination
  1. Mid semester examination will be of 01 hour duration for 20/15 marks (20 subjects having no practical and 15 for subject with practical papers). There shall be no pass mark in Mid semester examination. The type of questions will be decided by the college authority.
  2. The Mid-semester examination shall be conducted and valued by the teacher(s) who are teaching the corresponding paper or by any external faculty in the college (s). A student who fails to appear in a Mid-semester examination will be allowed one more chance to take the same examination/There will be no provision to re-appear in the Mid-semester examination for improvement.
  3. The college has to conduct the Mid semester examination between 15th September to 30 October for 1st, 3rd, & 5th semester and in between 1st March to 15th for 2nd, 4th 7 6th semester respectively and will feed the marks online under the University/College Examination management system
    within 15days from the date of Examination. In case of Mid semester examination of Semester-1, marks shall be fed by 30th November.
  4. The college authority will preserve the answer script of the Mid Semester examination for 06 months from the date of publication of result of concerned semester for reference.
  5. The college authority of the valuation zones/university authority will preserve the answer script of the end semester examination for 6 months from the date of publication of result of concerned semester for reference.
  6. For DDCE students, DDCE shall frame its policy for Mid semester examinations.
  7. A student has to appear the Mid semester examination. Absence in a Mid semester paper will be declared as failed in that paper. A student who was absent in the Mid semester examination during both the chances but has passed at the university end term examination shall be treated as failed in that semester. Such candidates would be required to appear the Mid-semester examinations in subsequent semester.
Mark Distribution

A. Subject without Practical:

Mid Semester End Semester Total
20 80 100

B. Subject with Practical:

Mid Semester End Semester Practical Total
15 60 25 100

C. Projects:
The mark distribution would be subject specific. In general, the project report will carry 80 marks and viva voce/Seminar will carry 20 marks. The report marks will be subdivided as Introduction and context: 10 marks, Literature survey: 10 marks, Actual project work methodology 20 marks, Results,
discussion, critical analysis: 10 marks: Clarity of thought and aesthetics of report: 10 marks.

Policy on DSE Papers
  1. DSE-4 for Honors students (6th semester) will be a paper like the other three DSE papers. For students who have secured 60% in aggregate or above (or equivalent CGPA) in their first three Semesters., colleges can exercise the option of offering a project to such students. Unless explicitly indicated in the respective subject curriculum, the recommended marking scheme will have about 60% in the project report 40% in a seminar cum viva voce). The project paper will not have Mid semester examination and it will be evaluated by an Internal Examiner specified by the college.
  2. DSE papers for Honors, students may or may not have the practical component as proposed by the respective board of studies. If there is no practical, tutorial classes are allotted as per the 5+1 formula.
  3. Individual faculty of the college are to prepare the list of probable project topics under their guidance for a batch in the beginning of the fifth semester to facilitate the student and such list to be notified by the college for information of students. Evaluation of project shall be completed before the commencement of the End semester examination of semester-VI.
Grading system in each paper (Mid+End Sem exam) in a Semester
Qualification Grade Mark Secured from 100 Grade Point Classification for Hons. Classification for Pass
Outstanding ‘O’ 90-100 10 First class Hons. Pass
Excellent ‘A+’ 80-89 9
Very Good ‘A’ 70-79 8
Good ‘B+’ 60-69 7
Above Average ‘B’ 50-59 6 Second class Hons.
Fair ‘C’ 45-49 5
Pass ‘D’ 40-44 4
Fail ‘F’ below 40 0   Fail
Absent ‘ABS’ 00 0
Malpractise ‘M’ 00 0 MP

  1. The candidate obtaining Grade-F is considered as “Failed” and will be required to clear the back paper(s) in the subsequent examinations within the stipulated time
  2. For candidate in both Pass and Honors courses securing “B” grade and above in aggregate in their first appearance will be awarded “Distinction”. However, students who could not appear at an examination due to they representing the University or state in inter-university or inter-State competitions in games and sports at national/international level or attending national level NCC/NSS camps will get one chance exemption for Distinction
  3. Fail/MP/HARD case and back paper clearance candidates in any semester examination are not eligible for award of Distinction.
Repeat Examination
  1. A student has to clear back paper9s) (if failed) by appearing at subsequent/ alternate semester examinations within six academic years from the year/session of admission.
  2. A student may appear in improvement (having passed in that paper) in any number of papers ONLY ONCE in the next semester examination.
Examination Question Pattern
  1. For subjects other than language subjects and without having practical, full marks are 100 per paper out of which 20 marks are allotted for mid-semester examination (internal) and 80 marks are for end semester examination.
    1. The question papers shall be divided into four parts.
    2. Part I will carry 12 one mark questions in the form of fill in the blanks and one word answer. (12 marks)
    3. Part II will carry 10 two mark questions of which 8 have to be answered. The answer should be within two to three sentences maximum. (16 marks (8×2).
    4. Part III will cary 10 three mark questions of which 8 have to be answered. The answer should be within 75 words maximum, (24 marks (8×3).
    5. Part IV will carry 4 seven mark questions of EITHER or format. The EITHER or in question can be from same or different units of the paper. The answer should be within 500 words maximum (28 marks: 7×4).
  2. For subjects other than language subjects and with practical, full marks are 100 per paper out of which 15 marks is allotted for Mid-semester examination, 60 marks is for End Semester Examination and 25 marks is for Practical.
    1. The question papers shall be divided into four parts
    2. Part I will carry 8 one mark questions in the form of fill in the blanks and one word answer. (08marks: 8×1).
    3. Part II will carry 10 one point five mark questions of which 8 have to be answered. The answer should be within two to three sentences maximum. (12 marks: 8×1.5).
    4. Part III will carry 10 two mark questions of which 8 have to be answered. The answer should be within 75 words maximum. (16 marks: 8×2).
    5. Part IV Will 4 numbers of six questions of EITHER or format. The EITHER or in question can be from same or different units of the paper. The answer should be within 500 words maximum. (24 marks:6×4).
    6. Practical will carry 25 marks out of which 05 will be for records, 05 for viva voce and 15 for the core experiment