Students’ Common Room

There are two common rooms provided by the College, one is for the boys and other for girls students of the college.

The Common room serves as a common place of the students to retire and relax during the College hour. It is particularly meant for intellectual discussion, healthy recreation mutual contact and good will among the students. The common room should not be used by the students for any other purpose.

All the students whose names are on the roll during the academic year shall be members of the common room by paying a subscription as fixed annually at the beginning of the term.

All matters relating to the common room will be decided by the officer-in-charge or by the Principal as in case may be. The bearer of the common room shall attend the common room regularly in time and shall keep in order and take care of its properties.

The Principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the students common room. Non collegiate students and parents are out attendant to common room.